Twinning : the flowered cities
The first twinning were signed on the 24th October in 1971 in Sarrebrück, on a suggestion of the Conseil Général, in order to create international links and then sustainable the European Union.
This twinning is made around the art and growing roses between:
Longuyon (6000 inhabitants)
Walferdange (7000) Luxemburg
Limana (5000) Italia
Schmitshausen (400) Germany
In 2007, these four cities signed in Walferdange a settlement to reinforce the links and to improve the conditions of work toghether.
Depiction of the three cities
Limana is located in Italia. It counts 5000 inhabitants. Limana used to be a land of farmers but poverty has forced people to emigrate. In the 60's the industrial expension has started especially in organo-metallic mechanical purview and eyeglass manufacture which offer 2000 jobs. The main infrastructures are the city Hall, the nursing home, social and cultural center, house for school exchanges « La Casermetta ».
Schmitshausen, the littlest city of the four villages of the twinning, counts 400 inhabitants on a area of 450ha. It is located between the city of Pirmasens ans Zweibrücken in the land called “Rheinland- Pfalz”. The first vestiges found in Schmitshausen are dated of the Celtic and Roman Age. But it is only for the last century that the land started to develop itself thanks to the toward movement of the agricultural domain. Nowadays, a few family continue to work in the agricultural domain, whereas the major part of the inhabitants work in Zweibrücken, Pirmasens or Kaiserslautern. Schmitshausen has 2 houses to welcome and gather young people, families or old people . One called Europahaus, is in the middle of the town and the other one at the exit of the town in the forest.
Walferdange is a border town with Luxemburg-town which is the capital city of Luxemburg. It is located in the valley of Alzette surronded with forest.
The valley is divided into three parts : on the right of the river Walferdange and Hemlsange and on the left Bereldange. An area of 706 ha, it counts 7000 inhabitants who are for the main part 45% of strangers (90 nationalities). People who work, work in the service domains. A few shoppers and artisants are present. Agriculture, the cultivation of roses and industrie of gypsum, which had an important power, have totally disappeared.
For the international camp, the city rents an international youth hostel.
Activities of this twinning
*Every year meetings of the Comité International are organized in order to discover the heritage of the town and to prepare the organization of the international camp reserved for children aged between 10 and 15.
* sports exchanges
* cultural and friendly exchanges.
Other twinning
Longuyon is also twinned with Pirna not far from Dresden in Germany and with Zary in Poland. A partnership has been signed by Mr Mersch and Mr Lorenz in 1979. After many years of exchanges an official twinning has been signed in Longuyon on the 20th of June in 1998.
The meeting between Zary and Longuyon started in 1991 and an official twinning has been signed in Longuyon on the 15th May in 2004.
Office de Tourisme du Longuyonnais
Place Salvador Allende
54260 Longuyon
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